Role: Designer
Duration: June 2020 - Jan 2022
I joined the Innovation Labs during the pandemic, my responsibilities included: graphic design, presentation design and motion design to simplify complex ideas to digestible content for a general company audience and support internal company events.
My process on creating a dedicated announcement gif series for The Pinch, an internal news source for the company to learn what different teams and different departments are doing.
My process of how I worked to refresh the team’s illustration style, how it mainly focused on diversity and inclusion.
Working along side with another designer on the team, we created the look and feel for HNY 2021 (Hacky New Year 2021) which was a month-long virtual hackaton held in March 2021, open to all of AppD to come up with innovative ideas or projects that are inline with the company interests.
As part of our comms strategy I created gifs for every phase of HNY (pre-registration, registration, during the event and post event) to encourage AppDynamos to sign up and participate in HNY and stay informed with the latest news during the month of HNY (back in March 2021).
Using After Effects I designed and animated the opening ceremony, and the ending ceremony to give our virtual event energy and polish in a siloed work-from-home space.
PKO (Product Kick Off) was a virtual internal event held by the Innovation Labs last year in the summer 2020 as part of the product team to announce important updates and exciting news of what the greater product team had to share
Along side with my responsibilities with the site look and feel for PKO, I was also tasked with presentation design in three major categories: speaker presentations, the award ceremony and the impact assessment. It was a fun challenge to use the design language established in the site in deck presentation where the information inside was more dense and required more creative problem solving.
Animation exploration of the Innovation Labs values, communicated through the brand shapes